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Technical Training Institutes
  Don Bosco Vyawasaik Prashikshan Kendra Tel: 020 - 65104659,
  Near St. Andrew’s School 27480707
  Chinchwad, Pune 411 019
  St.Joseph's Technical Institute Tel: 020 - 26447496,
  Shankarshet Road 26450492
  Pune 411 037 Fax: 26450492

10 Fr. Lui Heredia
10 Fr. Obedas Gaikwad
11 Fr. Fernando da Costa
13 Fr. Wilfred Fernandes
15 Fr. Roshan Furtado
21 Fr. Albert Fernandes
Appointment New
We are happy to inform you that Rev. Fr. Roque Alphonso has been appointed as the administrator of the Diocese of Poona.